Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Tuesdays With Morrie: Bucket List

The first few chapters of Tuesdays With Morrie focus on Mitch Albom’s young adult life and how Morrie affected, in some aspects, how he viewed life and death. One main theme in this book that I have noticed is to not take life for granted. I have only been around for thirteen years, but I already notice this in my own life. I have learned to not take life for granted and to just live in the moment. One way to do this is to make a list of things you want to do before you die, in order to plan out your life and not take it for granted, to use every moment of it. This list is called a bucket list, presumably because it is everything you want in life in all in the same place, like things in a bucket are. While making a bucket list, you think about life and how it only happens once and you come to the thought that you don’t want to waste life, and you need to use every moment and know what you want to do with every moment before it’s too late. Another important thing about making a bucket list is to follow through. If you write down what you want to do, then never do it, it is just a waste and you will regret it. In Tuesdays With Morrie, Albom said, “Instead of chasing my own fame, I wrote about famous athletes chasing there’s” With writing a bucket list, you are in a way committing yourself to trying to “chase” your dreams, instead of giving up. I am doing just that with this bucket list you are about to see.

My Bucket List:

Be a lead role in a play
Write a book
Get into a good college
Get a job
Buy a house
Get a dog/cat
Give a speech
Get a skinny pig
Travel the world

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