Monday, November 26, 2018


       As Thanksgiving is coming up, we start thinking about what we are thankful for in our life and the gratitude we have for the people who help us get through our days. Every morning, my mom gets up, makes my brother and I breakfast, and makes sure we get to school on time. I typically think nothing of it, because it’s such a normal thing. But, actually it’s a pretty big sacrifice. I think of some kids who’s parents just send them to school, no breakfast or anything and I become very thankful for the mom I have. Then I think even further to how my dad goes and works every day so that we can have the money to buy the things we need, like food and clothes. My whole family makes sacrifices each and every day, which gives me gratitude.

       I also have gratitude for the people who have taught me and who have made me who I am. This includes, parents, siblings, friends, and teachers, who have all taught me something, which has helped me live and be successful in everyday life. I think of all the things I know and all the things I can do and how if I hadn’t known these people, I might have turned into a completely different person. I’m thankful for the opportunities these people have given me, like art and robotics classes my parents have signed me up for and classes the school has given me. There are so many people and things to have gratitude for.

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